

PNLD will advise, educate and guide you through the legal minefield in a simple, clear and concise way, we are here to help.

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ACCESS to the site

If you are still having issues accessing the site, which we hope is not the case, please email us and we will do our very best to resolve this immediately:

PIN your favourite content

You can pin your most viewed content and navigate to it within ‘My documents’ for quick access.

PIN your favourite content


FILTER your search results

Once you have searched a term, you can filter the results into content that is more relevant to you:

  • Legal Index (the Act title),
  • Legal Narrative (specific content within a piece of legislation)
  • Offence Wordings and    
  • Case Law

Filter your search results


SEARCH BY CJS code (National Standard Offence Wording Code)

You can also search by the CJS code (National Standard Offence Wording Code) created by PNLD for use across the Criminal Justice System.

Search by CJS code



You can extend your search to search within your search and narrow your results.

Extended Search


NAVIGATION to content

This is more straightforward, plus all related content is visible from one place.

Navigation to content


ACCESS to legal research

From the Homepage you have access to bite sized legal Q&As, plus articles written by our legal team.

Access to legal research

If you want to receive more information like this by email, just visit your profile section on the website and update your communication preferences.

Access to legal research


HIGHLIGHTS section for added value information

See the highlights section on the homepage to view our publications. For a quick link to the 50 most commonly used summary only offences and a new feature, a downloadable report of the 100 most used Standard Offence Wordings and Codes, for quick reference, especially in custody suites.

Highlights section for added value information



We are always keen to hear your thoughts and views, please let us know how you are finding the new site. All your comments are reviewed and considered carefully. We want to provide the best possible legal resource for our customers, and we rely upon your feedback to make this happen.

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